Thursday, August 20, 2009

Therapy is My Run...

Today my mind is racing. Thoughts of having to be bigger and better are overwhelming and making me feel claustrophobic in my own self. I put on my shoes and go for a run. I let those thoughts race through my mind. With each step a thought surfaces, I let it linger there for a moment, ponder it, and then allow the next one to replace it. Those thoughts fade away as my pace quickens and breathing becomes more difficult. I am away. Away from the thoughts that fill my mind and keep me from being productive. Away from anything that is not physical and out here on the road. My six miles of therapy. The only thing to worry about is moving my arms and conquering the next hill. Time goes slowly. I consider the pain in my knee and push forward. Like the thoughts before it, the knee becomes part of my movement and that is all. A run for me is like everything else, harder to begin than to finish. I finish. After this run I have a clear mind, a stronger body and am prepared for whatever is today. It is a new day. I am a new person. Fresh. And I have a surprising thought that inspires me to get to work.

1 comment:

  1. Steph,

    I love the way you word all of this. It makes me think of how wonderful it is to be so talented with your writing!! We are some talented people, we are! I'm so proud of you, my wonderful friend!!

    Erica :O)
