Thursday, August 27, 2009


A hero.

Today I created the Hero Bloomsie. It's a collection of blue baby clothes with firetrucks and police cars on them. Across the bib is the word Hero. It made me think of all of the heroes that surround us. Most are strangers that somehow, with what they do in their daily lives, will quietly touch our own and make it better. They are the soldiers at war fighting for our country. They are the mothers and fathers who, everyday, work hard for their families and love their children. They are the people who make a difference in a child's life. They are the people who make a difference in anyone's life. They are the people who fight for a better tomorrow. They are the cancer patients who bravely fight a battle they can't see. They are the people trying to find a cure, both the researchers in the labs and those who are raising money for the research. A hero can be the battered woman who takes her kids away from hurt. A man who says that's enough. Or a friend who is always there. Heroes are our elders who remind us of our history. They are those who inspire us to be great. They are the people who unselfishly give themselves even when there is not a prize to be won. Heroes are real people. Like you and me. We can be heroes to someone. Champions of a cause greater than ourselves.

I think of my heroes. They don't wear capes (although I think that they should), and they don't have great names like Superman and Wonder Woman (although they could). What they do have is my respect and gratitude. For when things get tough and I need a boost to get me through, they are always there. I would create a Bloomsie to represent each of these people if I knew there would be babies wearing them!

Who's your hero?

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