Monday, August 24, 2009

Just My Routine

Top Five Things to do today:
1)wrap a few more Bloomsies
2)set up my product photo shoot with Peter
3)ask my customers to write some reviews.
5)school shopping

Sitting at the laptop first thing in the morning, with a hot cup of coffee beside me, and logging on has become my morning ritual.

On my to do list there are a thousand and one things to focus on and the nice thing is I have learned, from experience, that I won't get to everything today. Well... probably not tomorrow either. Having accepted this, logging on is a much more enjoyable task. I go to facebook and check on my friends. I love reading their updates. Even though it's not a physical connection, there is something comforting about them being there. These people, I have known many of them for a long time, are people I wish I could talk to everyday. Everyone is something amazing.

After checking on the friends, I go to The Bloomsies page. Suddenly my mood changes and I start talking to myself. I haven't got enough fans... I need to update this... I need to do that. Wow, this is not as relaxing as the Stephanie Malnack Tastad site where it's more giggle, respond, and giggle some more. Bloomsies has become my work. A little more serious. A lot more time consuming. Unfortunately, I don't have the go-get-em attitude. I have a very hard time putting my job first. There is no, "I'm going to go lock myself in the office for five hours to get these things done" in my physical make-up. Sometimes it is frustrating because I don't have it, but maybe it's a blessing too. Each Bloomsies is happy. When I have just finished one, I like to call the kids in to admire it, and tell them how cute this one is. Isn't it? They both usually nod and go about their business. And I smile. Maybe someone will use it as the inspiration for a baby shower and will decorate in bright blue, fuchsia, and lime green. Their guests will be amazed and the mother-to-be will cry with delight. Maybe. This is where my work takes me.

With a buzzing brain I happily log off for the morning. It feels like an accomplished morning already. In my mind I've had coffee with friends, pondered over some work detail, visualized success, and am now ready to continue with my day. The kids will wake up and we'll do something fun together. Probably school shopping. On the way, I'll drop by the post office to ship my latest Bloomsies order, and later will come back to my work after a good run. The day takes shape with my morning routine and I'll look forward to doing it again tomorrow.

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