Thursday, September 3, 2009

Time Expectations

I wrote today's blog at five o'clock this morning. One hour and 14 minutes later, I read it and deleted it. It was about time and time suckers. It was more negative than I ever am.

Yesterday I was rubbed the wrong way by someone who signs up for everything with the PTA, and then because she bas spread her time so thin, she needs help with it. I wonder if she realizes that if she had maybe signed up for less, that maybe someone else might step up and volunteer for more. Actually, never mind, I know she doesn't think this way. Because yesterday she was out looking for help and when I told her I couldn't give anymore of my time to one of the projects (I've already put in countless hours in the past three months on this particular project), she sighed and said, "Wow, I've really found out who my friends aren't."


Should I take this personally? I'm going to try not to, though I think I already have. Saying no to save your sanity is a good thing. There should not be guilt attached to the word no, because in the long run it can save a lot of headache. Truly, if you don't have more time to give, don't. To this PTA overachiever I say this: If I can't do anymore, it's not because I don't want to, it's because I don't have time to. We all have things to do. We all need help on occasion. And if one person can't help, than it is very possible that another can, without the snide comments.

So, in an attempt to end this blog on a positive note I offer my readers this wonderful quote:
It is our mind, and that alone, that chains us or sets us free. -Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Today, allow yourself time to take care of you. Guilt free. Finish the things on your list. Clear your mind. I'm going to. I said no to helping at the school today. I will do my run so that I can be prepared for my race on Saturday. I will do some laundry so that we will have towels and clean clothes to wear for the rest of the week. I will get things done that need to get done so that my world can run smooth. And next week, with a clear mind and possible less hectic schedule, maybe I will say yes.

Here's to taking control of your time...

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