Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Me?

My daughter auditioned for the Jr. Jazz Company with her dance school yesterday. The results were posted on the studio window today at noon. She asked me not to check, she wants to know first. Did I run down there to find out? The old me would have, and then I'd either show up at school with a congratulations balloon and a card, or keep the news to myself. Today, the new me, got home from my body pump class, put a load of laundry in, did the dishes and went for a run (I thought a lot about her audition and what her name looks like on that printed piece of paper), but I didn't go peek. Welcome New Me. Life is going to be a little less hectic because you won't have to do everything right now.

I blame this New Me on my kids. They are growing up. Calli does most everything by herself now. From homework and packing for school to completing her chores and keeping her own schedule... she does it all. Nathan is getting better. He's still young, but honestly, he knows where his stuff is. He can get packed and ready for the day so easily (after I've finally get him awake), and has gotten so that he does his chores without me asking too. It's cool. It's also a little sad, I'm going to miss my little people. They've been so fun. I guess now, I can sit back and watch them become their own individuals. I can't wait to see who they become.

Yes, I can't wait to see who they become. However, at the same time I can. Tonight when Cal wants me to lay in bed with her and rub her back after we read, and when Nathan grabs my hand to walk away from football practice to the car, I will continue to cherish all the youth that I have left with them. And even though she doesn't need me to be by her side to find out if she's made the Company, I'll be there, proud either way. I may have a New Me. I may be able to step back and let my kids grow up. But, there is always going to be a part of me constantly wondering what I can do to help make their world's just a little better... behind the scenes!

1 comment:

  1. You said it perfectly, Steph! Thanks for putting it to paper,! :)

