Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bloomsies in Seattle

All rested up from the first big Bloomsies launch at The Northwest Women's Show, March 5-7th, I can say that I would do it again. It was a pleasure to display my Blooms with the Ladies Who Launch and the twenty two companies who shared our space.

The women I had the privilege of rubbing elbows with (and we did rub, the space was jam packed) were both inspiring and very fun to get to know. Oh my gosh, you wouldn't believe their companies! I'm anxious to share them with you, and over the next week will be dedicating my blog to spotlight my favorites. You will love them!

As for Bloomsies. I was so nervous! Getting ready for the show I didn't know what to expect. How big was it actually going to be? How many Blooms should I take with me? How would my Bloomsies be received? Emotionally exhausted, I went in mentally prepared for almost anything.

Bloomsies were seen for the first time, by a large number of women. We handed out just over 1500 postcards and when all was said and done, the response was wonderful. I had just enough postcards, sold six bouquets at the show and have had some orders that were direct results from the show. Thank you to my friends and family who popped by to show your support. Thank you Linda Snyder and Ladies Who Launch for making it possible and affordable for me to participate. That was awesome! It was a very positive experience indeed.

Three things I'd consider to change for next time, though probably not necessary...

1)Bloomsies needs more space! They are so bulky when bunched together, maybe my own booth. (Although, then I'd miss the companionship of the girls who made it so much fun!)

2)I'd bring make-up to refresh toward mid afternoon, for those surprise photo ops! I looked tired in most of the photos taken, but the Bloomsies looked fabulous!

3)I'd get more sleep before the weekend! I was too excited to sleep!

Bloomsies adds an interesting pop to the normal gift. Imagine a bright bouquet sitting on the gift table among the pretty wrapped boxes topped with big bows. Such an amazing centerpiece! I was glad to be able to show it and am getting geared up for Snohomish in May! One can rest up but must keep on looking ahead.

Visit Bloomsies online
Visit Ladies Who Launce online

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