Friday, February 12, 2010

It is exhausting, but I'm not complaining!

I can't believe how long it has been since my last blog. I've been busy with my kids and with Bloomsies. At the end of the day, sitting down to type my thoughts has been close to impossible. My eyes are usually closed!

Especially with the kids reading to me at night! It relaxes me. I'll crawl in one of their beds, snuggle in next to a warm body, and then wake up at 3:00 a.m. only to wander back into mine and finish my sleep. It is not a cycle I am particularly proud of, but I admit, it doesn't really bother me much. They won't be this small much longer. Calli is ten. Nathan is seven. We won't fit into a twin together for many more years. Right now I am glad they want me there. They read to me, I rub their backs and my mind focuses on something other than the biz. Its good. Little voices can be very soothing.

Back to my Bloomsies. My other time consuming baby. I am happy to report that it is growing. My website has been launched. You should visit it! I've become involved with two groups, Ladies Who Launch and the Snohomish Wedding Guild. Both have already opened doors for Bloomsies that I can't wait to jump through and see where they lead. I've also chosen to show off my blooms at a couple of trade shows coming up. I'll be part of the Ladies Who Launch booth at The Seattle Women's Show (the first weekend of March), in Snohomish on May 15th, and at the Seattle Home and Gift Show in August. (Wow, I need a Bloomsies event page added to my website!) To top it off, if this doesn't sound busy enough, the Bloomsies have actually been selling.! Its great! Exciting and scary at the same time, but I've got support all around me, and I am ready!

With that, I will continue to pull a couple of all-nighters during the week. I will sit at the computer facebooking and twittering, think on my daily run, and talk about Bloomsies until everyone has heard of them. I will. No matter how tired I get. It isn't the easiest road, choosing your own business, but its the road I'm taking. Abraham Lincoln once said, "I am successful because a friend believed in me and I didn't want to let him down." I love this quote. It is not a bad thing to find your drive through the cheers from the people who love you. Athletes do it all the time. So, it may seem like a long time between some blogs, but I guarantee that I will be back to update as regularly as I can. Who knew it'd be so exhausting!

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